Understanding How Pressure Relief Valves Operate
The pressure relief valve is used to control or limit the buildup of pressure in a piping system, tank or vessel. When process pressure is exceeded, a pressure relief valve becomes the “weak link” and the valve opens to divert a portion of the fluid to another path. The diverted liquid, gas or liquid is usually re-routed through a piping system to a process where it is safely contained or burned off via a flaring system. Once the liquid or gas is diverted, the pressure inside the vessel drops below the safety relief valves' re-seating pressure, and the valve closes.
The video below provides an excellent understanding of how pressure relief valves operate and the difference between direct acting and pilot operated pressure relief valves.
For more information on pressure relief valves and safety relief valves, contact Tri-State Technical Sales by visiting their web site at https://tristatetechnicalsales.com or by calling 610-647-5700.
The video below provides an excellent understanding of how pressure relief valves operate and the difference between direct acting and pilot operated pressure relief valves.
For more information on pressure relief valves and safety relief valves, contact Tri-State Technical Sales by visiting their web site at https://tristatetechnicalsales.com or by calling 610-647-5700.