9 Superior Safety Valve Design Features by ARI-REYCO

- Single trim for all services provides full capacity at 10-percent overpressure for liquid, steam or vapor applications.
- Reversible disc provides a spare part in every R-Series valve.
- Nozzle threads at top ensure better nozzle to body alignment and reduce maintenance effort.
- Disc retention by ring eliminates potential of thread corrosion and need for special maintenance tools.
- Standard Inconel 625 LCF bellows offer better corrosion resistance and 316L stainless steel at no extra cost.
- Springs within a pressure class and orifice size are designed with a fixed inside diameter to eliminate the need to custom machine steps for each spring.
- Identical nozzle ring for each orifice size, regardless of pressure range or seat design, to reduce parts variation.
- In the soft seat option, the spring load is applied directly to the metal seat, increasing service life of the O-ring. The soft seat disc retains the metal seat on its reversible side.
- ASME Section VIII and Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) certified.
For more information, contact Tri-State Technical Sales. They can be reached by calling (610) 647-5700 or visit their website at https://tristatetechnicalsales.com.